The light creates a relaxed atmosphere and is a great night light for kids who are scared of the dark, especially at bedtime.
Innovative high-powered light bulb – Long-lasting, can project up to 3 meters. Projects are crystal clear and last longer.
Rotation: it has a tiny motor to rotate the projector film cover. The stars and moon will move slowly.
The star night light for kids comes with Different optional films. These films include: – Lovely Deer/ Mysterious Universe/Vast Ocean/Sweet Lover/ Happy Birthday/ Walking Under the Moon/ Cute Kitten.
This night light is a perfect gift for a kid’s bedroom. It’s also ideal for decorating events with colorful projected stars. For instance, you can use it to decorate a wedding, birthday party, or even use it during Christmas. You can also use it as a romantic night lamp or as a decorative night light lamp.
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